Tuesday, August 24, 2021

How to Plant a Spaghetti Garden

 Grow your own ingredients to make an all-natural, preservative-free, organic marinara. The truest homemade Spaghetti sauce, made with garden fresh ingredients, just like a native Italian mama would make.

  • step1

You'll need an area in the garden that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. After removing any sod or weeds, in an area that is 6' X 6' or bigger, top dress the soil with 2 inches of compost, 1 inch of well rotted or aged manure, 3 cups of bone meal sprinkled (more if the space is bigger), and organic slow release vegetable food sprinkled at the rate specified on the back of the package (different products have different application amounts). Double dig or till the amendments in 8 inches deep and rake the soil surface smooth before planting.

  • Step2

Once the temperature has warmed and danger of frost has past, it’s safe to plant your spaghetti garden. Tomatoes are going to be your biggest plants and they're going to need the most water. Plant them about 15 inches apart so they don't shade out any other plants and it'll be easy for you to stretch the hose to them. Leggy tomatoes can be planted deep with only 25% of the plant left above the soil surface. Everything else has to be planted at a depth that doesn't leave the plant sunk or buried deep in the hole (plant it high it wont die, plant it low it wont grow). The Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis), is a fast growing broad leaf shrub, and very beautiful. It’s hardy zone 8 or higher, so if you life in a colder climate or you don’t want the Bay Laurel to be a permanent part of you veggie garden, plant it in a 24 inch pot with good, well draining potting soil. A simple terra-cotta pot would look very Italian.

  • Step3

Plant the garlic and onions close to the tomatoes, since they naturally repel bad bugs. Give the spaghetti squash plenty of room to spread (they like to take 4 feet of space, so keep it on the edge of the garden where it can spread away). The final layer should be the herbs (basil, oregano, and parsley) since they need the least amount of water and nutrients.

  • Step4

Install the tomato cages around the young tomatoes. Add a 2 inch layer of mulch. I like straw, but others prefer bark, peat moss, compost, or a thin layer of grass. Water well and continue to keep the garden moist but not soggy, throughout the season. A monthly application of the vegetable fertilizer would benefit the tomatoes and squash. The herbs, onion, and garlic will only need regular light water. Harvest the basil, oregano and parsley often to avoid the plants sending up flowers and bolting (flowering herbs = bad bitter herb flavor). 

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